Sunday, August 9, 2009

8.9.09 As promised...

Well I told you I would write everyday, so here it is. My Dad Joe and his lovely wife Martha were in Austin for a visit this weekend. They are from D/FW and try to get down here as much as they can to both see and love the baby, but also give Bishop's folks some much needed away time. So we saw our movie on Friday, Julie and Julia. Very nice movie, not much drama and slowly paced but it's just a comfortable Sunday afternoon feeling when you leave the theatre, a must see. Saturday we were going to go to the Texas state history museum, but ran clean out of time. So we went for a Mexican food lunch instead and floated in the pool with beers until the sun was completely set. It was so cozy. Then He grilled a Bobby Flay skirt steak recipe that would curl your toes it was so delish. This morning we went for pancakes at Kerby Lane, a family fav, and they are on their way home. Sounds like we just ate the whole time. There was other stuff mostly just playing with baby. I got all inspired and today, I AM going to finish up one room worth of curtains. I will. When they're wrapped I post a pick.
Thanks for looking.
be well,

Austin Wedding Photography and Design

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