Thursday, August 13, 2009

8-13-09 One Bride's thoughts


The pictures! They are soo beautiful!! I knew when I looked at your portfolio that they would be wonderful and I knew that I was picking the perfect photographer for our event. However, I had no idea they would be this good. It was like you were in my head and saw the photos I was wishing for. All the pictures you took were so lively and creative. There is so much heart behind them, I can tell you enjoyed being there. The colors are so vivid. The moments you caught were so wonderful. Your images tell the story of our wedding. There are so many good ones too! Every single one out of 550 I love, it is impossible to pick my favorite. I love the way you photograph too by the way. When it came to portraits you knew what you wanted and got it, when it came to catching the action you went with the flow and caught everything. I'm beyond glad that you were there shooting my wedding. Thank you for turning what was a huge problem for me into the best thing about my wedding. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so such creative moving images.


We were happy and proud to be included. Leslie is a photographer in Dallas, we learned after we got to chatting, that we went to the same school and had the same professor. Small world. It is always such an honor to work with other creatives. It adds an element of fear almost, "they know how they would do it, will they like what I do?"
guess so!!!
Be Well,

Austin Wedding Photography and Design

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